MORAL Balance Practical Ethical Decisions at the Bedside

The below are ethical analyses using the MORAL Balance framework.

Please note we are not recommending any particular course of action in specific circumstances. Different people and institutions will weigh the Balancing Box differently.
That is to be expected.

Rather the framework is an aid to objectively describing an ethical situation, establishing facts and outcomes of relevance, providing a tool for balancing competing demands and a method for documentation.
This is useful for decision-making, communication, and conflict resolution.

We welcome feedback, suggestion and comments on the use of the framework to help patients, clinicians and families make decisions together.

Moral Balance Analysis 1

Tracheostomy insertion for 67 year old man with laryngeal carcinoma and impending airway obstruction.
Analysis developed as a teaching tool by Professor of Palliative and End of Life Care in Nottingham and previous Chair of Nottingham's Ethics of Clinical Practice Committee, Prof Rowan Harwood.
While this case is hypothetical, it is built from his extensive real world case experience.
Thank you Rowan for allowing us to share this teaching example.

Create your own. Use the Generic Template and send to us.